
Product Name: Hito-Flex-100




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Flat Flexible Post

Flat flexible post is a versatile delineator that works as an integral solution for signage and cyclist safety. Designed to front different challenges, from delineate bike ways to protect critical zones, this innovative device stand out for its unique functionality and resistance.

Ideal to mark points of interest or even as advertising tool, flat flexible post is indispensable in any environment with bicycle flow.

Install it on the being or end of e bike way, in a section where is required; informing length of this or the mile where cyclist is located.

Key Features:

Incomparable resistance: Thanks to its exclusive material, poliflexy®, this flat flexible post resist vehicle impacts maintaining its shape and function.

Sophisticated Design: Unique structure, reinforced base, guaranteeing stability and safety in every application.

Adaptability and Visibility: Available in vibrant colors as green, orange, white and blue, option to other tones upon request, ensures high visibility during day and night thanks to the reflective material.

Additional Advantages: Easy installation with anchor system through screws with anchor facilitating its placement in any surface, ensuring a safe and durable adjustment. The lightweight and compact design optimize transport and storage, considered as the perfect option for any movable or stationary project.

Versatile Posts are more than simple markers: are the efficient and affordable answer for your road safety needs and space delimitation. Trust in innovation and quality just our products can offer you.

Implement this device at the beginning of a bike lane and provide a better cyclist infrastructure to users.

Check our complete catalog with the different devices for cyclist infrastructure we have for you.

Measurements of Flat Flexible Post:

  • Length: 5.9 in
  • Height: 3.2 ft
  • Width: 4.7 in
  • Colors: White, blue, red or green
  • Reflective Sheeting: white, amber, red or blue.


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