
Product Name: Bici estacionamiento modular




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Bike Parking

Organize and protect bikes efficiently with a Bike Parking, a unique solution for parking lots with a capacity of 12 bikes in a space for one car to park.

Bike parking is the answer to the increasing need of safe and convenient space for the bike parking. Its innovative design allows to store up to 12 of them in a single structure.

Key Features:

Versatile Configuration: Option to install in two modes: with anchoring modules at front or in both sides, adapting to needs of each space.

Guaranteed Safety: Users can ensure their bike to the device using their own chains, bike steel cables or armored locks

Robust Construction: Mainly manufactured in medium density polyethylene and steel posts with ends to avoid injuries, structure guarantees an exceptional durability and resistance.

Protection against inclemency: This is designed to resist weather changes and UV rays, preserving long term functionality and integrity.

Color variety available in yellow, blue, green or red.

Easy installation: Bike parking is installed embedded to floor, ensuring a safe and firm fastening.

Its installation is ideal in parks, medians, housing units, corporation units, zones with points of interest. By offering a safe and convenient bike parking you’re improving the use of bikes as a mean of transport, contributing to a more sustainable and healthier environment.

Reduce the need of parking spaces for cars, releasing space for other uses and improving the urban aesthetic.


Length: depends on the number of blocks
Height: 3.8 ft
Width: 4.8 ft

Colors: Yellow, Blue, Green or Red

Check the catalog with all the exclusive road devices for bike paths we have for you. Create safer environments for pedestrians and cyclists.


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