
Product Name: Canalizador Oruga




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Caterpillar Lane Separator

Caterpillar Lane separator is a stop designed specially to provide a complete visibility to drivers due has 4 reflective areas per side set on the perfect angle. Suitable to channelize bike ways.

Easy to install. Manufactured in MDPE with UV protection to give greater resistance to impacts or collisions, as different climates.

Delineate special lanes, ideal to delimit or confine exclusive lanes for cyclists.

Its composition made of MDPE offers a better performance of resistance and material elongation even in extreme temperatures.

Resistant to vehicle passage without damages, with UV protection, ideal to work in the most adverse climate conditions, from the warmest ones to those with rain.

Resistance to humidity, corrosion and climate changes.

Manufactured in one piece. High technology design, with pyramid trunk shape, ideal height to avoid tire damage of cyclists and motorists. Flat tire avoidance due round borders.

In addition to the reflective sheeting on sides, have one per end, adding extra visibility.

Yellow color: more visibility at any moment of the day.

Easy to install for an immediate coupling where is most required.


Length: 23.6 in
Height: 3.5 in
Width: 7.2 in

Colors: Yellow or green.
Reflective sheeting: White

Caterpillar Lane Separator is a traffic device that will help you to provide greater safety in bike ways, at the same time delimit special lanes. Provide high reflectivity and resistance.


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